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Parks & Recreation Commission Minutes 08/20/09

Antrim Parks and Recreation Commission Meeting
August 20, 2009

In attendance: Sam Harding, Pat Leonard, Ron Hagget, Barbara Reynolds, Celeste Lunetta

Meeting came to order at 1900.

Old Business:
Minutes from June 11, 2009 meeting were reviewed and approved as written.

Old Business:
The group discussed recording of meeting minutes. It was decided that the role of minute keeper would rotate monthly. C.Lunetta recording minutes for this meeting. R.Hagget will record minutes of next month meeting.

Shea Field:
C.Lunetta presented a proposal for application of fertilizer and weed control from a company called Purely Organics. This proposal was acquired from P.Lamb, and was one company of a few that he researched for organic fertilizers. Benefits of this company included application labor incorporated into proposal, and grant funding also incorporated into bottom line.
Group agreed to advocate for this company’s services for the remainder of FY 2009 and for FY 2010. The group requested that 50% funding be acquired from the school district. Members also wish to revisit this service arrangement in fall of 2010, prior to establishing a contract for 2011.

C.Lunetta reported that she will be meeting with representatives of Conval School District at 3:30 pm on Tuesday August 25. The purpose of this meeting will be to lay plans for this year and next for cost sharing and other common concerns regarding Shea Field.

New Business:
Memorial Park:
C.Lunetta reported that stone pathway in Memorial Park is in need of maintenance and possibly replacement of material. Will work with town facility crew to see what improvements can be made this year, and suggest it as a potential budget item for repair FY 2010.
C.Lunetta reported that the grassy area around the swings needs to be looked at for improvement. The grass is not coming in well.

Gregg Lake Beach:
P. Leonard brought to the attention of the board several areas of concern regarding ordinance enforcement and supervision norms at Gregg Lake. C.Lunetta asked that people solicit feedback from Beach Users to help determine future protocols regarding Beach Attendants and Lifeguards.
C.Lunetta reported that playground equipment needing replacement or repair includes the digging toy and the swing hangers. Funds from this year’s budget will be used to replace or repair broken equipment. Other items that are going to be requisitioned are replacement ropes, replacement rescue board and materials for swimming lessons.
C.Lunetta proposed a Beach Pass program that would provide a free Beach Pass for kids who use the beach without direct supervision of an adult guardian. This was proposed as a system to help teach kids the safety rules, as well as a tool for beach staff to use for enforcement. Children of designated age span would acquire a beach pass, and the beach pass would indicate that they have full independent beach privileges. Children who are consistently breaking safety rules would have the potential loss of independent use of the beach. The commission will consider this proposal further.

Group discussed when the beach would be closed for the season. The lifeguards last day of guarding is Friday August 21. The dock will be pulled in during the week of August 24th, as soon as it can be coordinated with necessary parties.

C.Lunetta brought forth a suggestion made by a Lake Host for a way to better delineate the boat launch parking spaces. The suggestion is to acquire retired fire hose that could be cut into 10 foot lengths, painted a bright color, and secured to the ground with landscape ties. Commission approved.

C.Lunetta brought up that the Gregg Lake Association had brought up concerns with geese population on the lake, as well as the concern regarding non resident parking at the beach. C.Lunetta had advised members of the group to bring their concerns regarding non resident use to the Board of Selectmen. C.Lunetta advised that the GLA meeting was Saturday August 29 at the Beach.

Weekend Concert at Memorial Park.  
There was a brief discussion about a free weekend rock concert that was held at the bandstand on Sat.0815. C.Lunetta reported that she had been approached by this group for permission t use the bandstand. The commission agreed unanimously that all future independent requests for use of the bandstand be directed to Town Hall. Members of the group reported that they had received feedback and experiences in person that the decibel level of the performance was too loud.

Skate Park Update:
D.Stahlin has made a launch box out of material that remained after the last project. P.Lamb and B.Reynolds reported that it is built to a high standard, very well built, and it is in use now on the court.

Basketball Court on School Street:
C. Lunetta reported that there was no high traffic at the court we set up on School street. There was some use during camp, and by a few players, as well as by kids learning to bike. It was decided to do it again next summer, with more advertising. C.Lunetta reported that one of the hoops was broken and needs to be repaired.

Summer Programs:
C.Lunetta presented a brief report on summer programs.

Meeting adjourned at 2000. Next meeting is Thursday September 10 at 1900.